W dniu 2016-07-29 o 12:38, Lars Schneider pisze:
> On 27 Jul 2016, at 11:41, Eric Wong <e...@80x24.org> wrote:
>> larsxschnei...@gmail.com wrote:

>>> +static off_t multi_packet_read(struct strbuf *sb, const int fd, const 
>>> size_t size)
>> I'm no expert in C, but this might be const-correctness taken
>> too far.  I think basing this on the read(2) prototype is less
>> surprising:
>>   static ssize_t multi_packet_read(int fd, struct strbuf *sb, size_t size)
> Hm... ok. I like `const` because I think it is usually easier to 
> read/understand
> functions that do not change their input variables. This way I can communicate
> my intention to future people modifying this function!

Well, scalar types like `size_t` are always passed by value, so here `const`
doesn't matter, and it makes line longer.  I think library functions do not
use `const` for `size_t` parameters.

You are reading from the file descriptor `fd`, so it state would change.
Using `const` feels a bit like lying.  Also, it is scalar type.
> I agree with your reordering of the parameters, though!
> Speaking of coding style... convert.c is already big and gets only bigger 
> with this patch (1720 lines). Would it make sense to add a new file 
> "convert-pipe-protocol.c"
> or something for my additions?

I wonder if it would be possible to enhance existing functions, instead
of redoing them (at least in part) for per-command filter driver protocol.

Jakub Narębski

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