Stefan Beller <> writes:

> And we want to have both "label=A B C" and attr:label=A B C" or *just* the
> attr query?

I think the choice at this point is between supporting just "label=A
B C" or supporting just "attr:eol=crlf text=auto !diff".

I think "attr:label=A" is merely a degenerated case of the latter.

> We should not allow the user to add arbitrary attributes (i.e. labels).

Hmph, why not?

> Instead each of the "attr for labeling purposes" needs to follow a clear 
> scheme
> that allows us to add attributes later on that are outside of that scheme.

That was my initial reaction when I saw Duy's "attr:crlf=auto" (by
the way, there is no such setting; crlf should be one of TRUE, UNSET
or set to string "input") idea.  But I do not think of a good
argument to justify that arbitrary attributes are not allowed.
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