On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Thomas Adam <thomas.ada...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 March 2016 at 20:50, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
>> But that's just my opinion. Did you have some specific change you're
>> interested in? I don't think removing that message is productive; it
>> _is_ useful information. Perhaps it could be more clear that we are
>> talking about the tracking branch?
> I don't have a specific change in mind per-se, rather than to discuss
> how we might be able to improve the error message, or document
> somewhere that it's referring to the tracking branch.  Maybe that's
> the point--is it worth mentioning the time/date of when the cache was
> last updated?  That is:
> "branch-X is uptodate with origin/branch-X (as of DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS)"

Actually I like that feature of recording the last known time we fetched,
I would have found that information useful in the past a few times. (unrelated
to this exact message, but if we were to make this change, we would
need to record
the time somewhere, and that's what I would have wanted)

I would think putting the date in this exact spot is a similar level of advice
what Eric was proposing earlier today in $gmane/289438
(was: [PATCH][Outreachy] branch -D: allow - as abbreviation of @{-1},
give advice when force deleting a branch on how to recover that branch)
So people (specially beginners as this points out more of the inner workings)
may find it useful, but some would find it too noisy and rather turn it off.


> No one's suggesting that this message is removed, I'm not sure where
> you got that from?
> -- Thomas Adam
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