On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 08:21:46PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
>> Something I've seen a few times of late (although I doubt that's any
>> indication that the code has changed in Git) is the reporting of
>> branch-X being uptodate with origin/branch-X when it isn't.
>> When does git check to see if branch-X has a remote tracking branch
>> and that it has changes on it?  Only, the output below is misleading:
>> % git checkout master
>> Switched to branch 'master'
>> Your branch is up-to-date with 'fvwmorg/master'.
>> [fvwm-cvs-to-git/docs]{10345}[0][master] % git pull
>> remote: Counting objects: 26, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
>> remote: Total 26 (delta 18), reused 22 (delta 14), pack-reused 0
>> Unpacking objects: 100% (26/26), done.
>> From github.com:fvwmorg/fvwm
>>    c029868..36cc898  master     -> fvwmorg/master
>>    4f0c7ec..36cc898  ta/git-docs -> fvwmorg/ta/git-docs
>> Updating c029868..36cc898
>> Fast-forward
>> [...]
>> Clearly, it's obvious that "Your branch is up-to-date with
>> 'fvwmorg/master'." is misleading.  Note that in this case, there's no
>> passwords or other hindrances to Git being able to work out that a
>> branch is behind another.
> The message from checking is looking only at your local
> refs/remotes/fvwmorg/master branch, which is essentially a cache of what
> is in the actual remote repository.
> We never contact other repositories unless explicitly asked to by
> fetch, pull, push, etc. If you want to have the most up-to-date value
> without merging, you can just "git fetch" to update the tracking
> branches.

To elaborate on that:

If you do "git fetch" instead of "git pull" and then followed by
"git status" it should tell you something like:

    Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 73 commits, and can be

The origin/ (or in your case fvwmorg/) is a local "cache" on what
we think the remote is at. the remote may change of course.


> -Peff
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