On 01/28/2016 02:18 AM, Stefan Beller wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Moritz Neeb <li...@moritzneeb.de> wrote:
>> Before I may introduce myself: I'm a Computer Science student in
>> Germany, coming towards the end of my Masters. I am an enthusiastic git
>> user that's why I'd like to give something back.
> Giving back is a noble thing. To have most fun at it, you need to ask 
> yourself:
> What is the most obnoxious part of Git that you personally use? What was
> the latest problem you had, which you'd want to fix? If you identified
> that, is that the right size to fix it? (Usually it is way bigger than 
> thought,
> but you can ask around if there are approaches for solving that problem ;)

You're right, creating something that is in the end relevant and useful
for myself is even more fun. I have some itches, I will work on
specifying them. I have the feeling though, that for solving the daily
issues and itches it's not necessary to dig into the core of git.

For example, I sometimes create a commit with the wrong email address (I
try to separate between work/private stuff) and that annoys me. I think
this could be solved by some hook rather than modifying git itself.

> I just realized there are some micro projects on the 2014 page
> as well which haven't been solved yet. (maybe, they are not
> striked through)

Yeah, I realized too that there are some points not striked through in
[0]. Might be just not up to date, for example number 15. seems to be
solved ($gmane//244020). Looking into the code, 14. is solved as well.
For 17. there could be something left.


[0] http://git.github.io/SoC-2014-Microprojects.html
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