On 28 January 2016 at 11:40, Moritz Neeb <li...@moritzneeb.de> wrote:
> I suppose just fixing/revising this would be kind
> of a too low hanging fruit?

I am in no way qualified to speak to the majority of your post, but I
can't imagine anyone refusing your work because it was 'too low
hanging fruit'.

Indeed, the general gist of getting people to start with a
microproject has always appeared to help potential applicants
understand what it takes to get a patch accepted in git. As long as
the low hanging fruit is useful (your example of polishing a patchset
to get it into master is definitely useful, assuming the patchset is
useful) then I'd say go for it.

In the worst case, if you feel your contribution was not 'meaty'
enough, there is nothing to stop you working on some other problem, or
extending the first further. That said, I do remember previous
applicants trying to do as many microprojects as possible, leaving few
for other people.


Andrew Ardill
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