Am 21.11.2015 um 09:11 schrieb Johannes Sixt:
> Am 20.11.2015 um 21:50 schrieb René Scharfe:
>> Extract a helper function for searching for a pattern in a file and
>> printing the whole file if the pattern is not found.  It is useful
>> when starting tests with --verbose for debugging purposes.
>> +# Check if a file contains an expected pattern.
>> +test_must_contain () {
>> +    if grep "$1" "$2"
>> +    then
>> +        return 0
>> +    else
>> +        echo "didn't find /$1/ in '$2', it contains:"
>> +        cat "$2"
>> +        return 1
>> +    fi
>> +}
> There is already test_i18n_grep. Should it be folded into this function? 

That's a good point.  But how?  test_i18ngrep can also work as a
filter and pass on options, so we'd need to parse all parameters and
redirect stdin to a temporary file unless a file was specified.  Or
we could be sloppy and just check if the last parameter is a file and
if yes then spew it out.

> Wouldn't we also want to have a function test_must_not_contain?

I doubt it.  In such a function grep would display the lines that match
unexpectedly already, so showing the whole file after that won't add
much more of interest.

> IMHO, we should not increase the number of functions that give a bonus 
> only when there is a test case failure. They do not scale well: There is 
> a permanent mental burden on every reviewer to watch out that they are 
> used in new tests. But without those functions, the burden is on the one 
> person investigating a test case failure, who has to live without the 
> debugging support.

test_must_contain doesn't have to be used everywhere, only in cases
where a file is shown and grepped.  I agree that letting an existing
function do that job (or deciding that the job is not worth doing) is

Here's how I imagine the sloppy add-on to test_i18ncmp to look:

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 16c4d7b..db64600 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -985,13 +985,28 @@ test_i18ncmp () {
 test_i18ngrep () {
        if test -n "$GETTEXT_POISON"
            : # pretend success
        elif test "x!" = "x$1"
                ! grep "$@"
                grep "$@"
+               rc=$?
+               if test $rc != 0
+               then
+                       while test $# -gt 1
+                       do
+                               shift
+                       done
+                       if test -f "$1"
+                       then
+                               echo "Expected pattern not found, content is:"
+                               cat "$1"
+                       fi
+                       return $rc
+               fi
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