Am 20.11.2015 um 21:50 schrieb René Scharfe:
Extract a helper function for searching for a pattern in a file and
printing the whole file if the pattern is not found.  It is useful
when starting tests with --verbose for debugging purposes.

+# Check if a file contains an expected pattern.
+test_must_contain () {
+       if grep "$1" "$2"
+       then
+               return 0
+       else
+               echo "didn't find /$1/ in '$2', it contains:"
+               cat "$2"
+               return 1
+       fi

There is already test_i18n_grep. Should it be folded into this function? Wouldn't we also want to have a function test_must_not_contain?

IMHO, we should not increase the number of functions that give a bonus only when there is a test case failure. They do not scale well: There is a permanent mental burden on every reviewer to watch out that they are used in new tests. But without those functions, the burden is on the one person investigating a test case failure, who has to live without the debugging support.

-- Hannes

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