On Tue, 27 Oct 2015 11:40:15 +0000
Nick <oinksoc...@letterboxes.org> wrote:

> > Why not set alias(es) for that?
> But oh yes, there is another difficulty with aliases.  Eclipse users
> on Windows:

Not to counter your actual argument, but AFAIK EGit uses JGit which is
a Java implementation which does not call out to the "real" Git binary.
This basically means that if something gets implemented in the stock
Git, this won't affect JGit and EGit untill their respective
maintainers implement the same feature.

> they don't tend to love it if you tell them to install
> Cygwin, open a shell and type things into it.

On Windows, you typically want them to use Git for Windows, not
Cygwin.  Various GUI front-ends to Git working on Windows (such as Git
Extentions and TortoiseGit) rely on GfW to work as well.
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