On 27/10/15 10:56, Davide Fiorentino wrote:
Why not set alias(es) for that?

That counts as a hand-rolled (i.e. ad-hoc) solution. So not out of the question, but I'd rather point my colleagues at something tried and tested, rather than simply re-invent wheels, possibly badly.

I'd be interested if there are some out there I could adopt?

But oh yes, there is another difficulty with aliases. Eclipse users on Windows: they don't tend to love it if you tell them to install Cygwin, open a shell and type things into it. The Eclipse experience is somewhat fraught already (e.g. EGit running out of memory cloning moderate-sized repos, and other UI difficulties). I'd be surprised if defining aliases is going to help their user experience. I'm considering suggesting they switch to to IntelliJ, but that's also asking quite a lot of people who may be reluctant to relearn their whole workflow again, and I'd need to do the research to ensure this doesn't just make things more confusing.


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