On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I spoke to soon. We have an "init_notes_check" function which shows
>> that it does refuse to merge outside of refs/notes/* It prevents all
>> notes operations outside of refs/notes
> OK.  Then it is OK to limit notes.<ref>.mergestrategy so that <ref>
> refers to what comes after refs/notes/, because we will not allow
> merging to happen outside the hierarchy.
> If you are planning to break that promise, however, <ref> must be
> always spelled fully (i.e. with refs/notes/ prefix for those inside
> the hierarchy) to avoid ambiguity.  Otherwise it will be hard to
> interpret a configuration that does something like this (note that
> these could come from multiple places, e.g. $HOME/.gitconfig and
> $GIT_DIR/config):

Agreed. Today, we do not allow any notes operations at all that
function outside of refs/notes/*

I suggest we enforce that all configs for merge strategy must be the
unqualified notation, and not allow the variance of refs/notes/* and
such that DWIM does on the command line.

>     [notes "commits"]
>         mergestrategy = concatenate
>     [notes "notes/commits"]
>         mergestrategy = cat_sort_uniq
>     [notes "refs/notes/commits"]
>         mergestrategy = overwrite
> The three entries in the above example obviously are all meant to
> refer to the same refs/notes/commits notes tree, and the usual "last
> one wins" rule should apply.  But with the recent git_config_get_*()
> interface, you cannot tell which one among them was given the last,
> overriding the previous entries.

Ya, I'd like to avoid this if possible.

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