On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oh interesting. I did a test. If you provide a fully qualified ref not
>> inside refs/notes, then it assumes you meant refs/notes/refs/foo/y
>> rather than refs/foo/y
>> I need to do some more digging on this to determine the exact thing going 
>> on...
>> Regards,
>> Jake
> I did some more digging. If you pass a notes ref to "--refs" option,

You're referring to the --ref option to 'git notes'?

> that requires all notes to be bound to refs/notes/* and does not allow
> passing of arbitrary refs. However, you can set the environment
> variable GIT_NOTES_REF or core.notesRef to a fully qualified
> reference.
> That seems very arbitrary that --ref works by expanding notes and the
> environment variable and configuration option do not... [1]

I believe the intention here was to provide the DWIM-ing at the most
end-user-facing interface (leaving the two other interfaces as possible
"loopholes" for e.g. scripts that "known what they're doing" and don't
want the DWIM-ery to get in their way). Looking back at it now, that
approach was probably misguided.

> I think this inconsistency is very weird, because *most* people will
> not use refs/notes/* etc. This makes it so that --refs forces you to
> use refs/notes/* or it will prefix it for you... ie: you can use
> notes/x, refs/notes/x, x, but if you use refs/tags/x it will DWIM into
> refs/notes/refs/tags/x
> I think this is very confusing that --refs doesn't behave the same as
> other sections... either we should enforce this on all refs or we
> should fix the DWIM-ery to be consistent.
> that is, we should fix DWIM-ery to be:
> (1) if it starts with refs/* leave it alone
> (2) if it starts with notes/*, prefix it with refs/
> (3) otherwise prefix it with refs/notes/
> But that way, refs/some-other-notes/ will work fine instead of
> becoming something else.

Yes, that is probably a better way to do the DWIM-ery.

However, we then need to provide an additional layer of safety/checks
that prevent notes operations from manipulating non-notes refs. First:

 - As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, git notes merge should certainly
   refuse to merge into anything not under refs/notes/*.

 - Preferably, all notes _manipulation_ should be limited to only operating
   under refs/notes/* (although I haven't fully thought through all of the
   ramifications of that).

 - Notes _querying_ (as opposed to manipulation) should be allowed both
   within and outside refs/notes/*

I think this should cover the use cases where you fetch notes from a remote
and put them in e.g. refs/remote-notes/* (or refs/remotes/origin/notes/*).
After all, you should not manipulate those notes directly (just as you
don't manipulate your remote-tracking branches directly), but you should
definitely be able to query them, and merge them into a _local_ notes ref
(living under refs/notes/*).

Does that make sense?

> We should also fix reads of environment variable etc such taht we
> enforce these values always are fully qualified and begin with refs.
> Otherwise, use of --refs and the environment variable don't allow the
> same formats.



> Regards,
> Jake
> [1] 8ef313e1ec3b ("builtin/notes.c: Split notes ref DWIMmery into a
> separate function")
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