On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Either way, there's also the question of who should know how to find the
> worktree-specific references--the program that wants to access them, or
> should there be a secret invisible mapping that is done on lookup, and
> that knows the full list of references that want to be worktree-specific
> (for example, that in a linked worktree, "refs/bisect/*" should be
> silently redirected to "refs/worktree/<name>/bisect/*")?
> It's all a bit frightening, frankly.

I would think all work to make pluggable backends happen should allow
us to do this kind of transparent mapping. We can add a new file-based
backend with just this redirection, can't we? I haven't read the
updated refs.c though, need to do it now..
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