On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> For each worktree, we could then create a different view of the
> references by splicing parts of the full reference namespace together.
> This could even be based on config settings so that we don't have to
> hardcode information like "refs/bisect/* is worktree-specific" deep in
> the references module. Suppose we could write
> [worktree.refs]
>         map = refs/worktrees/*:
>         map = refs/bisect/*:refs/worktrees/[worktree]/refs/bisect/*

Perhaps the destination should be worktrees/[worktree]/refs/bisect/*.
Does it have to start with "refs/"?

> which would mean (a) hide the references under refs/worktrees", and (b)
> make it look as if the references under
> refs/worktrees/[worktree]/refs/bisect actually appear under refs/bisect
> (where "[worktree]" is replaced with the current worktree's name). By
> making these settings configurable, we allow other projects to define
> their own worktree-specific reference namespaces too.
> The corresponding main repo might hide "refs/worktrees/*" but leave its
> refs/bisect namespace exposed in the usual place.
> "git prune" would see the whole namespace as it really is so that it can
> compute reachability correctly.

For multiple wortrees, first we basically remap paths in .git,
relocate some to worktrees/[worktree]/ (already done), then we're
going to remap config keys (submodule support, just proof of concept
so far), remapping ref paths sounds like the logical next step if some
under refs/ needs to be worktree-specific. I wonder if current ref
namespace code could be extended to do this?
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