Hi Junio,

On 2015-06-19 21:13, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
>> +#define MSG_ID(id, msg_type) { STR(id), FSCK_##msg_type },
>>  static struct {
>> +    const char *id_string;
>>      int msg_type;
>>  } msg_id_info[FSCK_MSG_MAX + 1] = {
>> -    { -1 }
>> +    { NULL, -1 }
>>  };
>>  #undef MSG_ID
>> +static int parse_msg_id(const char *text, int len)
>> +{
>> +    int i, j;
>> +
>> +    if (len < 0)
>> +            len = strlen(text);
>> +
>> +    for (i = 0; i < FSCK_MSG_MAX; i++) {
> I wonder an array without sentinel at the end with ARRAY_SIZE() may
> be a leaner way to do these, especially as this is all limited to
> this single file.

The real reason is that I cannot prevent a trailing comma with the way I 
construct the array, so FSCK_MSG_MAX is a natural way to support compilers that 
do not allow something like

    enum { A, B, C, };

>> +            const char *key = msg_id_info[i].id_string;
>> +            /* match id_string case-insensitively, without underscores. */
>> +            for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
>> +                    char c = *(key++);
>> +                    if (c == '_')
>> +                            c = *(key++);
> s/if/while/ perhaps?

Actually, I want to prevent double underscores so that no ambiguity occurs 
between the camelCased version of, say, JUNIO_HAMANO and JUNIO__HAMANO.

I inserted an `assert()`;

>> +                    if (toupper(text[j]) != c)
> I know the performance would not matter very much but calling
> toupper() for each letter in the user input FSCK_MSG_MAX times
> sounds rather inefficient.
> Would it make sense to make the caller upcase instead (or upcase
> upfront in the function)?

As you said, performance plays a lesser role here than simplicity. The strings 
we receive here are passed in read-only, therefore I would have to `strdup()` 
them first and then make sure to `free()` them. That was too un-simple for my 

Having said that, if you disagree, I will introduce the complexity, though. Do 
you want me to do that?

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