Hi Junio,

first of all: the improvements discussed here are already part of v6.

On 2015-06-19 19:33, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
>> I basically made up names on the go, based on the messages.
>>> Some of the questionable groups are:
>> I guess it should be BAD_DATE_OVERFLOW to be more consistent?
> I am not sure about "consistency", but surely a common prefix would
> help readers to group things.  But for this particular group, I was
> wondering if singling out "integer overflow", "zero stuffed
> timestamp", etc. into such a finer sub-errors of "you have a bad
> timestamp" was beneficial.

Well, someone thought it a good idea to print different error messages, and I 
took that as an indicator that there is merit in being able to distinguish 
these issues from one another.
>> So how about s/INVALID_/BAD_/g?
> It is not just about distinction between INVAID and BAD.
> I was basically wondering what rule decides which one among
> I have a random non-hexdigit string in various places, e.g. after
> 'tree ' in the object header of a commit object, after 'tag ' in a
> tag object that says 'type tree', etc.

To be honest, I think the IDs do not really matter as much as your comment 
makes it sound: the IDs purpose is solely to be able to configure the message 
type (read: whether to error out, warn or ignore the issue). The real 
information is in the actual message (and I did not change any message, 
therefore I could not make things worse than they are right now).

Example: you would never read BAD_TREE_SHA1, but instead: "badtreesha1: invalid 
'tree' line format - bad sha1".

For BAD_OBJECT_SHA1 (as it is now called), there are actually two code paths 
generating the error: "invalid 'object' line format - bad sha1" and "no valid 
object to fsck".

And for BAD_TREE it is: "could not load commit's tree <SHA1>".

Thus, from the error message it should be really clear what is going on.

>>> Also it is unclear if NOT_SORTED is to be used ever for any error
>>> other than a tree object sorted incorrectly, or if we start noticing
>>> a new error that something is not sorted, we will reuse this one.
>> s/NOT_SORTED/TREE_&/ maybe?
> If that error is specific to tree sorting order, then that would be
> a definite improvement.

Yes, that is the case. Tree objects are assumed to list their contents in 
order, and this ID applies to the problem where a tree object's list is out of 

As I said, I already made both discussed changes part of v6.

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