Jiang Xin <worldhello....@gmail.com> writes:

> 2015-02-28 23:39 GMT+08:00 Jean-Noel Avila <jn.av...@free.fr>:
>> Signed-off-by: Jean-Noel Avila <jn.av...@free.fr>
>> ---
>>  builtin/clean.c | 3 +++
>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
>> diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
>> index 7e7fdcf..2c98661 100644
>> --- a/builtin/clean.c
>> +++ b/builtin/clean.c
>> @@ -754,6 +754,9 @@ static int ask_each_cmd(void)
>>                 /* Ctrl-D should stop removing files */
>>                 if (!eof) {
>>                         qname = quote_path_relative(item->string, NULL, 
>> &buf);
>> +                       /*TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [Y] and [n] in 
>> your
>> +                       translation. The program will only accept English 
>> input
>> +                       at this point. */

A comment "We will accept only y, Y, Ye, YE,... as 'affirmative'" in
the code to translators will not help the end users at all, so make
it a single liner like this:

        /* TRANSLATORS: make sure to keep [y/N] as-is */

Make sure you have SP after slash-asterisk.

>>                         printf(_("remove %s? "), qname);
> Yes, it may confuse.  In order to let the translators notice this and update,
> you'd better change the code like this:
>         printf(_("remove %s [y/N]? "), qname);

A very good suggestion.  The code that follows this part treats an
empty input and a random non-empty input that does not head-match
"yes" as "please do not remove"; upcasing N is a good visual hint
that that "no" is the default.

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