Paul Smith <> writes:

> Allow new workdirs to be created in an empty directory (similar to "git
> clone").  Provide more error checking and clean up on failure.
> Signed-off-by: Paul Smith <>
> ---
>  contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir | 54 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
>  1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Thanks.  I would have liked [PATCH v$n] on the subject line but
that's minor.

I also see you made a few small improvements here and there, like...

>  # don't link to a configured bare repository
>  isbare=$(git --git-dir="$git_dir" config --bool --get core.bare)
> -if test ztrue = z$isbare
> +if test ztrue = "z$isbare"

... this bit, which I think is a good idea.  We are asking "--bool"
so we know we will never get anything other than true/false to cause
trouble by not quoting, but the dq-pair there does not cost anything
and it is a good discipline.

> +# make sure the links in the workdir have full paths to the original repo
> +git_dir=$(cd "$git_dir" && pwd) || exit 1

... so is this bit, which used to just go even if cd failed.

> +# don't recreate a workdir over an existing directory, unless it's empty
> +if test -d "$new_workdir"
>  then
> -     die "destination directory '$new_workdir' already exists."
> +     if test $(ls -a1 "$new_workdir"/. | wc -l) -ne 2

You used to quote this as

        if test $(ls -a1 "$new_workdir/." | wc -l) -ne 2

and I think that made a lot more sense than the new quoting.

The ultimate reason we quote here is because "$new_workdir/." is the
single directory path we want to give "ls", and quoting the whole
thing shows that intention far clearer than the new one, which says
"there may be an $IFS character in $new_workdir so I am quoting to
keep them together as a single string and then appending /. to that
single string will still be a single string", which is not wrong
per-se in that it is saying the same thing, but it is a roundabout
way to do so.

> +     then
> +             die "destination directory '$new_workdir' is not empty."
> +     fi
> +     cleandir="$new_workdir"/.git
> +else
> +     cleandir="$new_workdir"
>  fi
> -# make sure the links use full paths
> -git_dir=$(cd "$git_dir"; pwd)
> +mkdir -p "$new_workdir"/.git || failed
> +cleandir=$(cd "$cleandir" && pwd) || failed
> -# create the workdir
> -mkdir -p "$new_workdir/.git" || die "unable to create \"$new_workdir\"!"
> +cleanup () {
> +     rm -rf "$cleandir"
> +}
> +siglist="0 1 2 15"
> +trap cleanup $siglist
>  # create the links to the original repo.  explicitly exclude index, HEAD and
>  # logs/HEAD from the list since they are purely related to the current 
> working
>  # directory, and should not be shared.
>  for x in config refs logs/refs objects info hooks packed-refs remotes 
> rr-cache svn
>  do
> +     # Create a containing directory if needed
>       case $x in
> -     */*)
> -             mkdir -p "$(dirname "$new_workdir/.git/$x")"
> -             ;;
> +             */*) mkdir -p "$new_workdir/.git/${x%/*}" ;;

Case arms come at the same indentation level as "case/esac".

>       esac
> -     ln -s "$git_dir/$x" "$new_workdir/.git/$x"
> +
> +     ln -s "$git_dir/$x" "$new_workdir/.git/$x" || failed
>  done
> -# now setup the workdir
> -cd "$new_workdir"
>  # copy the HEAD from the original repository as a default branch
> -cp "$git_dir/HEAD" .git/HEAD
> -# checkout the branch (either the same as HEAD from the original repository, 
> or
> -# the one that was asked for)
> -git checkout -f $branch
> +cp "$git_dir"/HEAD "$new_workdir"/.git/HEAD || failed
> +

Why these changes?  I thought you are making sure $cleandir is
absolute so that you do not have to do this and can just "cd" into
the new working tree, the same way the user would do once it is set

Puzzled...  Before seeing this bit, I was about to say "but all the
above nits are minor so no need to resend---I'll locally fix them up
while queueing", but I suspect that I may be missing some obvious
reason why you avoid "cd" and I am reluctant to "fix" this part up
myself without seeing a response, so I'd swallow that "no need to
resend" X-<.

> +# the workdir is set up.  if the checkout fails, the user can fix it.
> +trap - $siglist
> +
> +# checkout the branch (either the same as HEAD from the original repository,
> +# or the one that was asked for)
> +git -C "$new_workdir" checkout -f $branch
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