On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 10:49:30PM +1000, James Denholm wrote:

> The main issues are that calls are made to git itself in the build
> process, and that a subtree-exclusive variable is used for specifying
> the exec path. Patches 1/5 through 3/5 resolve these.
> The "cleanup" fixes (4/5 and 5/5) are based on precedents set by other
> makefiles across the project.

Thanks, these all look sane to me (I do not use subtree, but since it's
just about Makefiles, it was pretty easy to review).

> One problem is foreseen: 3/5 will necessitate that package maintainers
> who already have git-subtree included in their packages update their
> build-scripts.

I think that's probably OK. We strive for backwards compatibility in the
tool itself, but refactoring Makefiles in contrib/ affects a pretty
limited audience.

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