On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 04:45:38PM +0530, Ramkumar Ramachandra wrote:
> John Keeping wrote:
> > I'm not actually sure this is better.  I'm more afraid of the condition
> > for outputting files changing in the future than of passing
> > output_prefix around, so I'd much rather keep that condition in one
> > place.
> >
> > If you really feel strongly about it, I'd prefer to extract the if
> > condition to a function and use that directly when deciding whether to
> > print "--".
> Yeah, it would probably make more sense to extract the conditional.  I
> just thought it was unnecessary to pass the argument around, but feel
> free to go either way on this one.
> > [Also, you introduce a potential segfault via passing a NULL prefix to
> > strlen.]
> Isn't prefix guaranteed to be set by setup_git_directory()?  If I
> wanted to check it nevertheless, I'd probably put in a die("internal
> error") before this line.  Feel free to go either way though.

It looks to me like setup_git_directory() returns NULL if we're at the
top of the working tree so we do need that check.  I suspect that's so
that "!prefix" does the right thing.
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