On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 7:58 PM Bert Wesarg <bert.wes...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> up to now, git-gui does not hide any scrollbars, if they are not
> needed. IMHO, I would keep it that way, as I don't like the flicker
> when it appears and disappears. Imagine you are typing in the bottom
> line and than you typed too much. The scrollbar appears, your input
> line jumps one up line (or is hidden behind the scrollbar), than you
> remove the too long line, the scrollbar disappears again and your
> input line jumps down again.
> Bert
FWIW I strongly agree with this. Invisible scrollbars that pop up
(like you describe) are often quite annoying. I much prefer to just
keep them visible all the time, and disabled when there is nothing to


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