On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 7:35 PM Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote: > > Bert Wesarg <bert.wes...@googlemail.com> writes: > > > the old reasoning was, that you should not create commit messages > > which are too wide. > > True, and that reasoning would justify hiding scrollbar when not > necessary to gain vertical space. Can we arrange the scrollbar to > appear only when needed?
up to now, git-gui does not hide any scrollbars, if they are not needed. IMHO, I would keep it that way, as I don't like the flicker when it appears and disappears. Imagine you are typing in the bottom line and than you typed too much. The scrollbar appears, your input line jumps one up line (or is hidden behind the scrollbar), than you remove the too long line, the scrollbar disappears again and your input line jumps down again. Bert