Michal Suchánek <msucha...@suse.de> writes:

>> But requiring an additional single "f" when doing "rm -rf .git"?  Is
>> that realy too much of a hassle?  The option "-f" is to allow people
>> deal with an unusual situation, while preventing everyday use from
>> doing something harmful unintendedly.  And removing a cloned
>> repository is an unusual situation that would not happen every day,
>> no?
> ...
> I am not in this situation so often but indeed I sometimes clone
> several repositories in a day to search for a patch or piece of code
> and then don't need them anymore. Some people may be in such situation
> more often or regularly.

But between these two:

        $ git clone --no-read-only-file-in-git https://github.com/foo/bar
        $ rm -r bar

to avoid "f" in "rm -r", vs.

        $ git clone https://github.com/foo/bar
        $ rm -rf bar

to clone a repository you only have a tentive interest in just like
any other more permanent repositories, I am not sure how the former
is preferrable.

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