On August 25, 2019 3:59 PM, Albert Vaca Cintora wrote:
> To: Johannes Sixt <j...@kdbg.org>
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 7:54 PM Johannes Sixt <j...@kdbg.org> wrote:
> >
> > Am 23.08.19 um 22:43 schrieb Albert Vaca Cintora:
> > > However, I'm sure that a large percentage of developers out there
> > > will agree with me that having to use force (-f) to delete every
> > > cloned repo is annoying, and even worse, it creates the bad habit of
> > > always force-deleting everything.
> >
> > IMO, the bad habit is to delete cloned repositories all the time. If
> > your workflow necessitates this, then you are doing something wrong.
> > Maybe you have an X-Y-problem?
> >
> > -- Hannes
> There are plenty of valid workflows where one would delete a repo.
> What you suggest is like saying I shouldn't delete pictures from my camera,
> because in that case I shouldn't have taken them in the first place.
> Sometimes I clone a repo just to grep for an error string and then I don't
> need it anymore, or I clone several repos until I find the one that contains
> what I want and delete the rest. Sometimes I want to write a patch for some
> software I don't develop regularly so I don't need to keep a clone of it.
> In any case, it would be useful to know the reason those files are read-only 
> in
> the first place. Do you guys know who might know?

Why don't you wrap your clone in a script that calls chmod -R u+w .git after 
the clone? This seems like a pretty trivial approach regardless of your 
workflow. This works in Linux, Mac, Windows (under cygwin-bash) and anything 
else POSIX-ish.

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