On August 19, 2019 5:41 AM, Ed Avis wrote:
> To: git@vger.kernel.org
> Subject: git switch and restore user interface
> I think it would be helpful for git switch to print a reminder of the old
> new branches.
> Hi, a couple of suggestions for these experimental new commands.  Git
> switch should print the branch you are leaving:
> % git switch foo
> You were previously on branch bar (abcdef).
> You are now on branch foo (bcdef0).
> Sometimes I forget what branch I was on before and having it in the
> history would help a lot.
> For git restore, it might be worth splitting the command further, into
> restore' and 'destructive restore'.  The safe command would always stop
> rather than lose data:
> % git safe-restore .
> The following local changes would be overwritten:
>    Fee.c
>    Foe.c
> Stash them first, or (etc etc).
> The command that unconditionally overwrites working copy changes should
> be given a different and more dangerous-sounding name.
> The reason I suggest this is to make sure of a sensible answer to the
> newcomer's question: "I just deleted a file by mistake in my working copy,
> how do I get it back from git?".  Too often at the moment the answer is
> checkout ." which while correct is also much too dangerous to be a first
> resort.  There should be an obvious and safe command for restoring missing
> files without losing local changes.
> In fact, I'd be quite happy for it to be like git clean, which in the
> configuration requires some flag like -f to make it lose any local
> even though the very purpose of git clean is to delete files.

I would be happier to have git restore --stash or some configuration option,
like restore.stash=auto that has git automatically stash on a restore. But
would the stash include everything or just the paths you are restoring? It
might be nice to teach git clean the same option.


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