I think it would be helpful for git switch to print a reminder of the old and 
new branches.

Hi, a couple of suggestions for these experimental new commands.  Git switch 
should print the branch you are leaving:

% git switch foo
You were previously on branch bar (abcdef).
You are now on branch foo (bcdef0).

Sometimes I forget what branch I was on before and having it in the terminal 
history would help a lot.

For git restore, it might be worth splitting the command further, into 'safe 
restore' and 'destructive restore'.  The safe command would always stop rather 
than lose data:

% git safe-restore .
The following local changes would be overwritten:
Stash them first, or (etc etc).

The command that unconditionally overwrites working copy changes should be 
given a different and more dangerous-sounding name.

The reason I suggest this is to make sure of a sensible answer to the 
newcomer's question: "I just deleted a file by mistake in my working copy, how 
do I get it back from git?".  Too often at the moment the answer is "git 
checkout ." which while correct is also much too dangerous to be a first 
resort.  There should be an obvious and safe command for restoring missing 
files without losing local changes.

In fact, I'd be quite happy for it to be like git clean, which in the default 
configuration requires some flag like -f to make it lose any local changes, 
even though the very purpose of git clean is to delete files.

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