On 7/1/2019 10:29 AM, Derrick Stolee via GitGitGadget wrote:
> Here is a second run at this RFC, which aims to create a "meta" config
> setting that automatically turns on other settings according to a user's
> willingness to trade new Git behavior or new feature risk for performance
> benefits. The new name for the setting is "core.featureAdoptionRate" and is
> an integer scale from 0 to 10. There will be multiple "categories" of
> settings, and the intention is to allow more granular levels as necessary.

(Adding people who contributed feedback to CC line.)

It seems that this "Feature Adoption Rate" idea was too simplistic, and
had several issues. Time to take a different stab at this direction, but
with these clear goals in mind:

 1. We want intermediate users to be able to take advantage of new config
    options without watching every release for new config options.

 2. The config name should match the general effect of the implied

 3. There are orthogonal settings that may not apply beneficially to
    all repos.

With this in mind, I propose instead a set of "feature.*" config settings
that form groups of "community recommended" settings (with some caveats).
In the space below, I'll list a set of possible feature names and the
implied config options.

First, the main two categories we've discussed so far: many commits and
many files. These two feature sets are for when your repo is large in
one of these dimensions. Perhaps there are other settings to include
in these?

                index.version = 4
                index.threads = true
                core.untrackedCache = true

                core.commitGraph = true
                gc.writeCommitGraph = true
                (future: fetch.writeSplitCommitGraph = true)

Note: the `fetch.writeSplitCommitGraph` does not exist yet, but could
be introduced in a later release to write a new commit-graph (with --split)
on fetch.

The other category that has been discussed already is that of "experimental
features that we generally think are helpful but change behavior slightly in
some cases".

                pack.useSparse = true
                status.aheadBehind = false
                fetch.showForcedUpdates = false
                merge.directoryRenames = true
                protocol.version = 2
                fetch.negotiationAlgorithm = skipping

We have not discussed anything like the next category, but Dscho thought
a set of configs to make pretty diffs could be a fun "meta-config" setting:

                diff.color = auto
                ui.color = auto
                diff.context = 5
                diff.colorMoved = true
                diff.colorMovedWs = allow-indentation-change
                diff.algorithm = minimal

These are just a first round of suggestions. I'm sure we would enjoy a
debate around an optimal set of diff settings.

Finally, here is a kind of feature that I could imagine being helpful
in the future, but maybe is not a good idea to pursue right now. In
some cases users use "gc.auto = 0" to prevent all user-time blocking
maintenance. This can degrade performance over time as loose objects
and pack-files accumulate. The performance could mostly be recovered
by using a multi-pack-index, but there is not current way to automatically
write the file. This would not solve the space issues that happen here.

                gc.auto = 0
                core.multiPackIndex = true
                (future: fetch.writeMultiPackIndex = true)

What do people think about this general idea? Are there any other
feature.* settings that could be useful? Any additional settings
to add to these groups?


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