Denton Liu <> writes:

> +get_merge_tool_guessed () {
> +     is_guessed=false
>       # Check if a merge tool has been configured
> -     merge_tool=$(get_configured_merge_tool)
> +     merge_tool=$(get_configured_merge_tool $GIT_MERGETOOL_GUI)
>       # Try to guess an appropriate merge tool if no tool has been set.
>       if test -z "$merge_tool"
>       then
>               merge_tool=$(guess_merge_tool) || exit
> +             is_guessed=true
>       fi
> -     echo "$merge_tool"
> +     echo "$is_guessed:$merge_tool"
> +}
> +
> +get_merge_tool () {
> +     get_merge_tool_guessed | sed -e 's/^[a-z]*://'
>  }

Yuck.  Returning a:b is fine if the main use is to match that string
using shell builtins like "test" and "case", but piping to "sed"
feels a bit too much overhead.  Especially given that the other
reader in is not protected for $merge_tool that has
a colon in it.  Do not try to be too cute and end up with a hack
that is both inefficient and brittle at the same time.

Possible alternatives:

 - Because variables in bourne family of shells are global, the
   caller can easily peek at $is_guessed; or

 - One bit "did we guess, or did we get from the user?" boolean
   choice can sufficiently be conveyed by ending the fuction like so

                echo "$merge_tool"
                test "$is_guessed" = true

> diff --git a/ b/
> index 01b9ad59b2..63e4da1b2f 100755
> --- a/
> +++ b/
> @@ -449,14 +449,9 @@ main () {
>       if test -z "$merge_tool"
>       then
> -             # Check if a merge tool has been configured
> -             merge_tool=$(get_configured_merge_tool $gui_tool)
> -             # Try to guess an appropriate merge tool if no tool has been 
> set.
> -             if test -z "$merge_tool"
> -             then
> -                     merge_tool=$(guess_merge_tool) || exit
> -                     guessed_merge_tool=true
> -             fi
> +             IFS=':' read guessed_merge_tool merge_tool <<-EOF
> +             $(GIT_MERGETOOL_GUI=$gui_tool get_merge_tool_guessed)
> +             EOF

With the "let the return code speak" alternative, this would become
something like

        if merge_tool=$(GIT_MERGETOOL_GUI=$gui_tool; get_merge_tool_guessed)
I do not know what you are trying with GIT_MERGETOOL_GUI=$gui_tool
before the shell function, though.  It does not work as one-shot
assignment to an environment variable.  I _think_ it is to feed the
all-caps variable to get_configured_merge_tool that is invoked by
the get_merge_tool_guessed function, so it does not have to be
exported as an environment in the first place, so in the above
illustration, I simply wrote an assignment statement, followed by a
separate statement that is a parameterless call of a shell function,
separated by a semicolon.

>       fi
>       merge_keep_backup="$(git config --bool mergetool.keepBackup || echo 
> true)"
>       merge_keep_temporaries="$(git config --bool mergetool.keepTemporaries 
> || echo false)"

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