
Giuseppe Crinò <gius...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 7:32 PM Jakub Narebski <jna...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Well, what about limiting changes and rewriting only to the commits
>> being rewritten by [interactive] rebase?  I mean that we would rewrite
>> "revert 01a9fe8" only if:
>> a.) the commit with this message is undergoing rewrite
>> b.) the commit 01a9fe8 is undergoing rewrite in the same command
>> We could use the infrastructure from git-filter-branch for this.
>> It is serious limitation, but that might be good enough for Giuseppe
>> Crinò use case.
> In which case you need to change the ID of "revert 01a9fe8" _even if_
> 01a9fe8 is not involved in the rebase? Wouldn't be a solution to my
> use-case an already complete solution?

What I meant by "serious limitation" is that the condition a.) might mot
hold true.  You might be rebasing / rewriting the commit 01a9fe8, but
there might be some commit not undergoing rewrite (for example one on a
separate branch) that refers to the commit being rewritten, e.g. by
including "revert 01a9fe8" in the commit message.

We also need to assume that the commit referred to (i.e. 01a9fe8) is
being rewritten earlier in sequence than referring commit (i.e. one with
"revert 01a9fe8").

Jakub Narębski

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