On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 7:32 PM Jakub Narebski <jna...@gmail.com> wrote: > Well, what about limiting changes and rewriting only to the commits > being rewritten by [interactive] rebase? I mean that we would rewrite > "revert 01a9fe8" only if: > > a.) the commit with this message is undergoing rewrite > b.) the commit 01a9fe8 is undergoing rewrite in the same command > > We could use the infrastructure from git-filter-branch for this. > > It is serious limitation, but that might be good enough for Giuseppe > Crinò use case.
In which case you need to change the ID of "revert 01a9fe8" _even if_ 01a9fe8 is not involved in the rebase? Wouldn't be a solution to my use-case an already complete solution?