Our Perforce server experienced some kind of database corruption a few years 
While the file data and revision history are mostly intact,
some metadata for several changesets got lost.
For example, inspecting certain changelists produces errors.
$ p4 describe -s 12345
Date 2019/02/26 16:46:17:
Operation: user-describe
Operation 'user-describe' failed.
Change 12345 description missing!

While some metadata (like changeset descriptions) is obviously lost,
most of it can be reconstructed via other commands:
 * `p4 changes -l -t //...@12345,12345` --
   to obtain date+time, author, beginning of changeset description;
 * `p4 files -a //...@12345,12345` --
   to obtain file revisions, file types, file actions;
 * `p4 diff2 -u //...@12344 //...@12345` --
   to get a unified diff of text files in a changeset;
 * `p4 print -o binary.blob@12345 //depot/binary.blob@12345` --
   to get a revision of a binary file.

It might be possible to teach git-p4 to fallback to other methods if `p4 
describe` fails,
but it's probably too special-cased (really depends on kind and scale of DB 
so some manual intervention is perhaps acceptable.

So, with some manual work, it's possible to reconstruct `p4 -G describe ...` 
output manually.
In our case, once git-p4 passes `p4 describe` stage,
it can proceed further just fine.
Thus, it's tempting to feed resurrected metadata to git-p4 when a normal `p4 
describe` would fail.

This functionality may be useful to cache changelist information,
or to make some changes to changelist info before feeding it to git-p4.

A new config parameter is introduced to tell git-p4
to load certain changelist descriptions from files instead of from a server.
For simplicity, it's one marshalled file per changelist.
git config --add git-p4.changelistDescriptionFile 12345.marshal
git config --add git-p4.changelistDescriptionFile 12346.marshal

The following trivial script may be used to produce marshalled `p4 -G 
describe`-compatible output.
 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import marshal
 import time

 # recovered commits of interest
 changes = [
         'change':     '12345',
         'status':     'submitted',
         'code':       'stat',
         'user':       'username1',
         'time':       str(int(time.mktime(time.strptime('2019/02/28 16:00:30', 
'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')))),
         'client':     'username1_hostname1',
         'desc':       'A bug is fixed.\nDetails are below:<lost>\n',
         'depotFile0': '//depot/branch1/foo.sh',
         'action0':    'edit',
         'rev0':       '28',
         'type0':      'xtext',
         'depotFile1': '//depot/branch1/bar.py',
         'action1':    'edit',
         'rev1':       '43',
         'type1':      'text',
         'depotFile2': '//depot/branch1/baz.doc',
         'action2':    'edit',
         'rev2':       '8',
         'type2':      'binary',
         'depotFile3': '//depot/branch1/qqq.c',
         'action3':    'edit',
         'rev3':       '6',
         'type3':      'ktext',

 for change in changes:
     marshal.dump(change, open('{0}.marshal'.format(change['change']), 'wb'))

Or, the following script may be used to produce marshalled `p4 -G 
describe`-compatible output
for our particular database corruption.
 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import itertools
 import marshal
 import subprocess
 import tempfile

 def p4_unmarshal(fileobj):
     result = []
     while True:
             result += [marshal.load(fileobj)]
         except EOFError:

     return result

 def p4_describe_fallback(cl):
     with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as p4_changes_output:
         with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as p4_files_output:
             subprocess.check_call(['p4', '-G', 'changes', '-l', '-t', 
'//...@{0},{0}'.format(cl)], stdout=p4_changes_output)
             subprocess.check_call(['p4', '-G', 'files', '-a', 
'//...@{0},{0}'.format(cl)], stdout=p4_files_output)


             p4_changes_unmarshalled = p4_unmarshal(p4_changes_output)
             p4_files_unmarshalled = p4_unmarshal(p4_files_output)

             described_cl = p4_changes_unmarshalled[0] # there is usually only 
one entry
             described_cl['desc'] += '<lost>\n'

             assert described_cl['change'] == str(cl)

             for (file_info, i) in itertools.izip(p4_files_unmarshalled, 
                 for f in ('depotFile', 'action', 'rev', 'type'):
                     described_cl['{}{}'.format(f, i)] = file_info[f]

                 assert file_info['change'] == described_cl['change']

             return described_cl

 cls_wanted = ( 12345, 12346 )

 for cl in cls_wanted:
     with open('{0}.marshal'.format(cl), 'wb') as f:
         cl_info = p4_describe_fallback(cl)
         marshal.dump(cl_info, f)

Signed-off-by: Andrey Mazo <am...@checkvideo.com>
 Documentation/git-p4.txt | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 git-p4.py                | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-p4.txt b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
index ceabab8b86..f751ae729f 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-p4.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
@@ -654,10 +654,37 @@ git config --add git-p4.mapUser "p4user = First Last 
 A mapping will override any user information from P4. Mappings for
 multiple P4 user can be defined.
+       This config variable points 'git p4' to a file,
+       containing a serialized (marshalled) changelist description.
+       'git p4' loads a description from such a file
+       instead of asking Perforce server about it.
+       The file format is the same as produced by 'p4 -G describe -s 
+       This option can be specified multiple times
+       to feed multiple changelist descriptions to 'git p4'.
+       The path is relative to git work tree,
+       file names or extensions don't matter.
+       This example loads 2 changelist descriptions:
+git config --add git-p4.changelistDescriptionFile cl-12345.marshal
+git config --add git-p4.changelistDescriptionFile cl-12347.marshal
+Under some circumstances (for example, Perforce database corruption)
+this option is useful to supply changelist description to 'git p4' bypassing 
+Also, it can be used for caching of changelist descriptions
+to reduce load on the Perforce server in case of successive imports
+(say, when splitting the depot into multiple Git repositories)
+or for overriding some changelist information.
+This config variable is generally not needed after the initial import,
+so it can be removed from the config file
+together with corresponding description files after the import.
 Submit variables
        Detect renames.  See linkgit:git-diff[1].  This can be true,
        false, or a score as expected by 'git diff -M'.
diff --git a/git-p4.py b/git-p4.py
index 98b2b7bbca..e65df92d75 100755
--- a/git-p4.py
+++ b/git-p4.py
@@ -2613,10 +2613,12 @@ def __init__(self):
         self.initialParents = {}
         self.tz = "%+03d%02d" % (- time.timezone / 3600, ((- time.timezone % 
3600) / 60))
         self.labels = {}
+        self.loadedChangelistDescriptions = {}
     # Force a checkpoint in fast-import and wait for it to finish
     def checkpoint(self):
         self.gitStream.write("progress checkpoint\n\n")
         out = self.gitOutput.readline()
@@ -3319,10 +3321,25 @@ def getBranchMappingFromGitBranches(self):
                 branch = "main"
                 branch = branch[len(self.projectName):]
             self.knownBranches[branch] = branch
+    def loadChangelistDescFromFile(self):
+        changelistDescriptionFiles = 
+        for clMarshalledDescFile in changelistDescriptionFiles:
+            if not clMarshalledDescFile:
+                continue
+            try:
+                with open(clMarshalledDescFile, 'rb') as clFileObj:
+                    clDesc = marshal.load(clFileObj)
+                if not ("status" in clDesc and "user" in clDesc and "time" in 
clDesc and "change" in clDesc):
+                    die("Changelist description read from {0} doesn't have 
required fields".format(clMarshalledDescFile))
+                self.loadedChangelistDescriptions[int(clDesc["change"])] = 
+            except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, EOFError) as e:
+                die("Can't read changelist description from {0}: 
{1}".format(clMarshalledDescFile, str(e)))
     def updateOptionDict(self, d):
         option_keys = {}
         if self.keepRepoPath:
             option_keys['keepRepoPath'] = 1
@@ -3420,11 +3437,14 @@ def searchParent(self, parent, branch, target):
             return None
     def importChanges(self, changes, origin_revision=0):
         cnt = 1
         for change in changes:
-            description = p4_describe(change)
+            if change in self.loadedChangelistDescriptions:
+                description = self.loadedChangelistDescriptions[change]
+            else:
+                description = p4_describe(change)
             if not self.silent:
                 sys.stdout.write("\rImporting revision %s (%s%%)" % (change, 
cnt * 100 / len(changes)))
@@ -3706,10 +3726,12 @@ def run(self, args):
                     bad_changesfile = True
         if bad_changesfile:
             die("Option --changesfile is incompatible with revision 
+        self.loadChangelistDescFromFile()
         newPaths = []
         for p in self.depotPaths:
             if p.find("@") != -1:
                 atIdx = p.index("@")
                 self.changeRange = p[atIdx:]

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