In preparation for a fix, add a failing test case to test that
git-p4 doesn't fold the case in file paths
when doing branch detection case insensitively.
(i.e. when core.ignorecase is set)

Signed-off-by: Andrey Mazo <>
 t/ | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6a86d6996b..c48532e12b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -608,10 +608,102 @@ test_expect_success 'Update a file in git side and 
submit to P4 using client vie
                cd branch1 &&
                grep "client spec" file1
+test_expect_success 'restart p4d (case folding enabled)' '
+       kill_p4d &&
+       start_p4d -C1
+# 1: //depot/main/mf1
+# 2: integrate //depot/main/... -> //depot/branch1/...
+# 3: //depot/main/mf2
+# 4: //depot/BRANCH1/B1f3
+# 5: //depot/branch1/b1f4
+test_expect_success !CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'basic p4 branches for case folding' '
+       (
+               cd "$cli" &&
+               mkdir -p main &&
+               echo mf1 >main/mf1 &&
+               p4 add main/mf1 &&
+               p4 submit -d "main/mf1" &&
+               p4 integrate //depot/main/... //depot/branch1/... &&
+               p4 submit -d "integrate main to branch1" &&
+               echo mf2 >main/mf2 &&
+               p4 add main/mf2 &&
+               p4 submit -d "main/mf2" &&
+               mkdir BRANCH1 &&
+               echo B1f3 >BRANCH1/B1f3 &&
+               p4 add BRANCH1/B1f3 &&
+               p4 submit -d "BRANCH1/B1f3" &&
+               echo b1f4 >branch1/b1f4 &&
+               p4 add branch1/b1f4 &&
+               p4 submit -d "branch1/b1f4"
+       )
+# Check that files are properly split across branches when ignorecase is set
+test_expect_failure !CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'git p4 clone, branchList branch 
definition, ignorecase' '
+       test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+       test_create_repo "$git" &&
+       (
+               cd "$git" &&
+               git config git-p4.branchList main:branch1 &&
+               git config --type=bool core.ignoreCase true &&
+               git p4 clone --dest=. --detect-branches //depot@all &&
+               git log --all --graph --decorate --stat &&
+               git reset --hard p4/master &&
+               test_path_is_file mf1 &&
+               test_path_is_file mf2 &&
+               test_path_is_missing B1f3 &&
+               test_path_is_missing b1f4 &&
+               git reset --hard p4/depot/branch1 &&
+               test_path_is_file mf1 &&
+               test_path_is_missing mf2 &&
+               test_path_is_file B1f3 &&
+               test_path_is_file b1f4
+       )
+# Check that files are properly split across branches when ignorecase is set, 
use-client-spec case
+test_expect_failure !CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'git p4 clone with client-spec, 
branchList branch definition, ignorecase' '
+       client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+       test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+       test_create_repo "$git" &&
+       (
+               cd "$git" &&
+               git config git-p4.branchList main:branch1 &&
+               git config --type=bool core.ignoreCase true &&
+               git p4 clone --dest=. --use-client-spec --detect-branches 
//depot@all &&
+               git log --all --graph --decorate --stat &&
+               git reset --hard p4/master &&
+               test_path_is_file mf1 &&
+               test_path_is_file mf2 &&
+               test_path_is_missing B1f3 &&
+               test_path_is_missing b1f4 &&
+               git reset --hard p4/depot/branch1 &&
+               test_path_is_file mf1 &&
+               test_path_is_missing mf2 &&
+               test_path_is_file B1f3 &&
+               test_path_is_file b1f4
+       )
 test_expect_success 'kill p4d' '

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