On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 9:16 AM Matthieu Moy <g...@matthieu-moy.fr> wrote: > Corentin BOMPARD <corentin.bomp...@etu.univ-lyon1.fr> writes: > > Changes: We listen to Matthieu MOY and Eric SUNSHINE's remarks about > > our mistakes on the last patch. > > This addresses all my previous remarks, so this (patches 1 and 2) is now > > Reviewed-by: Matthieu Moy <g...@matthieu-moy.fr> > > I'm Cc-ing Eric in case he has anything more to say.
Thanks. A few comments: In patch 1/2: * drop the full stop from the first line of the commit message * s/futur/future/ in the commit message * s/There are false/& positives/ in the commit message * s/both, It/both, it/ In patch 2/2, there's a 'man curl' which probably ought to be converted to `man curl` (per paragraph updated by patch 1/2), but perhaps that's outside the scope of this patch series (though it would be easy enough to do -- but not necessarily worth a re-roll). Nothing else popped out at me while scanning the patch.