The current documentation uses both quotes (italics) and backquotes
(monospace) to render URLs and pathnames, which is inconsistant.
Document a best practice in CodingGuidelines to help reduce
inconsistencies in the futur.

We set the best practice to using backquotes, since:

* It is already an established practice. For exemple:

  $ git grep "'[^']/*[^']'" | wc -l

  $ git grep '`[^`]/*[^`]`' | wc -l

  There are false on both sides, but after a cursory look at the
  output of both, It doesn't seem the false positive rate is really
  higher in the second case.

  At least, this shows that the existing documentation uses
  inconsistent formatting, and that it would be good to do
  something about it.

* It may be debatable whether path names need to be typed in
  monospace but having them in italics is really unusual.

Signed-off-by: Corentin BOMPARD <>
Signed-off-by: Nathan BERBEZIER <>
Signed-off-by: Pablo CHABANNE <>
Signed-off-by: Matthieu MOY <>
 Changes: According to Matthieu MOY we added a new guideline in
 Documentation/CodingGuidelines.txt about monospace.

 Documentation/CodingGuidelines | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
index 857953071..0baff9dbe 100644
--- a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
+++ b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
@@ -580,11 +580,14 @@ Writing Documentation:
  or commands:
  Literal examples (e.g. use of command-line options, command names,
- branch names, configuration and environment variables) must be
- typeset in monospace (i.e. wrapped with backticks):
+ branch names, URLs, pathnames (files and directories), configuration and
+ environment variables) must be typeset in monospace (i.e. wrapped with 
+ backticks):
    `git rev-list`
+   ``
+   `.git/config`

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