When Git fetches a pack using dumb HTTP, it reuses the server's name for
the packfile (which incorporates a hash), which is different from the
behavior of fetch-pack and receive-pack.

A subsequent patch will allow downloading packs over HTTP(S) as part of
a fetch. These downloads will not necessarily be from a Git repository,
and thus may not have a hash as part of its name.

Thus, teach http to pass --stdin to index-pack, so that we have no
reliance on the server's name for the packfile.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Tan <jonathanta...@google.com>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com>
 http.c | 33 +++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index a32ad36ddf..34f82af87c 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -2204,9 +2204,9 @@ int finish_http_pack_request(struct http_pack_request 
        struct packed_git **lst;
        struct packed_git *p = preq->target;
-       char *tmp_idx;
-       size_t len;
        struct child_process ip = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+       int tmpfile_fd;
+       int ret = 0;
@@ -2218,35 +2218,24 @@ int finish_http_pack_request(struct http_pack_request 
                lst = &((*lst)->next);
        *lst = (*lst)->next;
-       if (!strip_suffix(preq->tmpfile.buf, ".pack.temp", &len))
-               BUG("pack tmpfile does not end in .pack.temp?");
-       tmp_idx = xstrfmt("%.*s.idx.temp", (int)len, preq->tmpfile.buf);
+       tmpfile_fd = xopen(preq->tmpfile.buf, O_RDONLY);
        argv_array_push(&ip.args, "index-pack");
-       argv_array_pushl(&ip.args, "-o", tmp_idx, NULL);
-       argv_array_push(&ip.args, preq->tmpfile.buf);
+       argv_array_push(&ip.args, "--stdin");
        ip.git_cmd = 1;
-       ip.no_stdin = 1;
+       ip.in = tmpfile_fd;
        ip.no_stdout = 1;
        if (run_command(&ip)) {
-               unlink(preq->tmpfile.buf);
-               unlink(tmp_idx);
-               free(tmp_idx);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       unlink(sha1_pack_index_name(p->sha1));
-       if (finalize_object_file(preq->tmpfile.buf, sha1_pack_name(p->sha1))
-        || finalize_object_file(tmp_idx, sha1_pack_index_name(p->sha1))) {
-               free(tmp_idx);
-               return -1;
+               ret = -1;
+               goto cleanup;
        install_packed_git(the_repository, p);
-       free(tmp_idx);
-       return 0;
+       close(tmpfile_fd);
+       unlink(preq->tmpfile.buf);
+       return ret;
 struct http_pack_request *new_http_pack_request(

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