On Tue, Feb 26 2019, Christian Couder wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:45 AM Jonathan Nieder <jrnie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Christian Couder wrote:
>> > On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 12:39 AM Jonathan Tan <jonathanta...@google.com> 
>> > wrote:
>> > Especially I'd like to know what should the client do if they find out
>> > that for example a repo that contains a lot of large files is
>> > configured so that the large files should be fetched from a CDN that
>> > the client cannot use? Is the client forced to find or setup another
>> > repo configured differently if the client still wants to use CDN
>> > offloading?
>> The example from that message:
>>   For example I think the Great Firewall of China lets people in China
>>   use GitHub.com but not Google.com. So if people start configuring
>>   their repos on GitHub so that they send packs that contain Google.com
>>   CDN URLs (or actually anything that the Firewall blocks), it might
>>   create many problems for users in China if they don't have a way to
>>   opt out of receiving packs with those kind of URLs.
>> But the same thing can happen with redirects, with embedded assets in
>> web pages, and so on.
> I don't think it's the same situation, because the CDN offloading is
> likely to be used for large objects that some hosting sites like
> GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket might not be ok to have them store for
> free on their machines. (I think the current limitations are around
> 10GB or 20GB, everything included, for each user.)
> So it's likely that users will want a way to host on such sites
> incomplete repos using CDN offloading to a CDN on another site. And
> then if the CDN is not accessible for some reason, things will
> completely break when users will clone.
> You could say that it's the same issue as when a video is not
> available on a web page, but the web browser can still render the page
> when a video is not available. So I don't think it's the same kind of
> issue.
> And by the way that's a reason why I think it's important to think
> about this in relation to promisor/partial clone remotes. Because with
> them it's less of a big deal if the CDN is unavailable, temporarily or
> not, for some reason.

I think all of that's correct. E.g. you can imagine a CDN where the CDN
serves literally one blob (not a pack), and the server the rest of the

But for the purposes of reviewing this I think it's better to say that
we're going to have a limited initial introduction of CDN where those
more complex cases don't need to be handled.

That can always be added later, as far as I can tell from the protocol
alteration in the RFC nothing's closing the door on that, we could
always add another capability / protocol extension.

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