
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019, Matthieu Moy wrote:

> Fabio Aiuto <polinic...@libero.it> writes:
> > Hi Matthieu and to all developers,
> > I'm Fabio, no more a student and I'm brand new in community
> > development. I joined the git mailing-list about two weeks ago and I'm
> > looking for some first fix or tasks. I apologize myself in advance for
> > my little know of the subject.  Hope to have some useful information to
> > start workin'.
> My advice would be to "scratch your own itch", i.e. find something you
> dislike about Git, and try to improve that. It's hard to find the
> motivation (and time) to contribute in a purely un-interested way, but
> once you start getting the benefits of your own patches in the way _you_
> use Git, it's really rewarding !

There are also occasional bug reports on the Git mailing list, like this
one about `git grep`:

You can also search the Git mailing list archive for `#leftoverbits`:


(Of course, caveat emptor, some of those #leftoverbits might have been
addressed in the meantime, others might not reproduce for you, yet others
might not be considered bugs or worth fixing...)


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