Il giorno lun, 14/01/2019 alle 18.53 +0100, Matthieu Moy ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I haven't been active for a while on this list, but for those who
> don't
> know me, I'm a CS teacher and I'm regularly offering my students to
> contribute to open-source projects as part of their school projects.
> A
> few nice features like "git rebase -i --exec" or many of the hints in
> "git status" were implemented as part of these projects.
> I'm starting another instance of such project next week.
> Part of the work of students is to choose which feature they want to
> work on, but I try to prepare this for them. I'm keeping a list of
> ideas
> here:
> (At some point, I should probably migrate this to,
> since
> the wiki only seems half-alive these days).
> I'm looking for small to medium size projects (typically, a GSoC
> project
> is far too big in comparison, but we may expect more than just
> microprojects).
> You may suggest ideas by editting the wiki page, or just by replying
> to
> this email (I'll point my students to the thread). Don't hesitate to
> remove entries (or ask me to do so) on the wiki page if you think
> they
> are not relevant anymore.
> Thanks in advance,
Hi Matthieu and to all developers,
I'm Fabio, no more a student and I'm brand new in community
development. I joined the git mailing-list about two weeks ago and I'm
looking for some first fix or tasks. I apologize myself in advance for
my little know of the subject. Hope to have some useful information to
start workin'.
Thank you in advance