On February 15, 2019 8:02, SZEDER Gábor wrote:
> To: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de>
> Cc: Randall S. Becker <rsbec...@nexbridge.com>; 'Junio C Hamano'
> <gits...@pobox.com>; git@vger.kernel.org; 'Max Kirillov'
> <m...@max630.net>
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Git v2.21.0-rc1 (NonStop Results)
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:36:42PM +0100, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 Feb 2019, Randall S. Becker wrote:
> >
> > > t5562 still hangs (blocking) - this breaks our CI pipeline since the
> > > test hangs and we have no explanation of whether the hang is in git
> > > or the tests.
> >
> > I have "good" news: it now also hangs on Ubuntu 16.04 in Azure Pipelines'
> > Linux agents.
> I haven't yet seen that hang in the wild and couldn't reproduce it on purpose,
> but there is definitely something fishy with t5562 even on Linux and even
> without that perl generate_zero_bytes helper.
>   $ git checkout cc95bc2025^
>   Previous HEAD position was cc95bc2025 t5562: replace /dev/zero with a
> pipe from generate_zero_bytes
>   HEAD is now at 24b451e77c t5318: replace use of /dev/zero with
> generate_zero_bytes
>   $ make
>   <snip>
>   $ cd t
>   # take note of the shell's PID
>   $ echo $$
>   15522
>   $ ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress |tee LOG
>   OK    3.0
>   OK    1.0
>   OK    6.0
>   OK    0.0
>   <snap>
> And then in another terminal run this:
>   $ pstree -a -p 15522
> or, to make it easier noticable what changed and what stayed the same:
>   $ watch -d pstree -a -p 15522
> The output will sooner or later will look like this:
>   bash,15522
>     └─t5562-http-back,21082 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>         ├─t5562-http-back,21089 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --
> stress
>         │   └─sh,24906 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>         ├─t5562-http-back,21090 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --
> stress
>         │   └─sh,26660 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>         ├─t5562-http-back,21092 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --
> stress
>         │   └─sh,4202 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>         │       └─sh,5696 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>         │           └─perl,5697 
> /home/szeder/src/git/t/t5562/invoke-with-content-
> length.pl push_body.gz.trunc git http-backend
>         │               └─(git,5722)
>         ├─t5562-http-back,21093 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --
> stress
>         │   └─sh,25572 ./t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh --stress
>   <snip>
> It won't show most of the processes run in the tests, because they are just
> too fast and short-lived.  However, occasionally it does show a stuck git
> process, which is shown as <defunct> in regular 'ps aux'
> output:
>   szeder   5722  0.0  0.0      0     0 pts/16   Z+   13:36   0:00 [git] 
> <defunct>
> Note that this is not a "proper" hang, in the sense that this process is not
> stuck forever, but only for about 1 minute, after which it disappears, and the
> test continues and eventually finishes with success.  I've looked into the 
> logs
> of a couple of such stuck jobs, and it seems that it varies in which test 
> that git
> process happened to get stuck.

We see something similar. The 60 seconds is in the support script in the 
t/t5562 directory. If a SIGCHLD is received, the sleep is interrupted and perl 
terminates (no hang). If the sleep is not interrupted, NonStop hangs in the 
close() after coming out of sleep because perl still has output to send 
somewhere. We are hung in the close call - which is really perplexing 
considering a close on NonStop in any other product is immediate and rather 
harsh, but perl's semantics for close() are: "Closing a pipe also waits for the 
process executing on the pipe to complete" (from the Perl spec), which seems to 
apply on NonStop because the git (5722) is reading but not receiving any data 
and not terminating - based on your tree above. Or, in other words, perl 
closing the pipe will not cause git (5722) to terminate because perl is waiting 
on git (5722) to terminate before completing the close. The only time it would 
not hang is if git (5722) terminates on its own so that sleep is interrupted 
without going back for more data to read. I am making a semi-educated guess. 
From my experience with the NS perl team, they are going to point at that spec 
and say that perl is exhibiting the correct behaviour and that the hang is 

Another weird observation is that the test generates up to three hangs 
(subtests 6,8,13) at worst, and one (subtest 13) at best, depending on some 
unknown factor that might be system load. This is hinting at a race condition. 
Sadly, we don't have the above cool watch or pstree utilities on platform. What 
we do have is something called ptrace, which can look at the stack and I/O 
conditions of all open files and whether there are outstanding I/Os (and how 
many) on each FD, memory use.

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