On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> +static void write_meta_header(struct metapack_writer *mw, const char *id,
> +                             uint32_t version)
> +{
> +       version = htonl(version);
> +
> +       sha1write(mw->out, "META", 4);
> +       sha1write(mw->out, "\0\0\0\1", 4);
> +       sha1write(mw->out, mw->pack->sha1, 20);
> +       sha1write(mw->out, id, 4);
> +       sha1write(mw->out, &version, 4);
> +}

Because you go with all-commit-info-in-one-file, perhaps we should
have an uint32_t bitmap to describe what info this cache contains? So
far we need 4 bits for date, tree, 1st and 2nd parents (yes, I still
want to check if storing 1-parent commits only gains us anything on
some other repos). When commit count comes, it can take the fifth bit.
Reachability bitmap offsets can take the sixth bit, if we just append
the bitmaps at the end of the same file.
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