On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 02:55:26PM -0800, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> David Aguilar <dav...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I don't want to stomp on your feet and poke at this file too much if
> > you're planning on building on top of it (I already did a few times
> > ;-).  My git time is a bit limited for the next few days so I don't
> > want to hold you up.  I can help shepherd through small fixups that
> > come up until the weekend rolls around and I have more time, but I
> > also don't want to hold you back until then.
> I can work with John to get this part into a shape to support his
> extended use sometime toward the end of this week, by which time
> hopefully you have some time to comment on the result.  John, how
> does that sound?

My email crossed with yours - that sounds good to me.  If
da/mergetool-docs is in a reasonable state by tomorrow evening (GMT) I
should be able to have a look at it then - if not I'm happy to hold off

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