Brandon Williams wrote:

> Introduce the transport-helper capability 'stateless-connect'.  This
> capability indicates that the transport-helper can be requested to run
> the 'stateless-connect' command which should attempt to make a
> stateless connection with a remote end.  Once established, the
> connection can be used by the git client to communicate with
> the remote end natively in a stateless-rpc manner as supported by
> protocol v2.  This means that the client must send everything the server
> needs in a single request as the client must not assume any
> state-storing on the part of the server or transport.
> If a stateless connection cannot be established then the remote-helper
> will respond in the same manner as the 'connect' command indicating that
> the client should fallback to using the dumb remote-helper commands.
> Signed-off-by: Brandon Williams <>
> ---
>  transport-helper.c | 8 ++++++++
>  transport.c        | 1 +
>  transport.h        | 6 ++++++
>  3 files changed, 15 insertions(+)

Please add documentation for this command to

That helps reviewers, since it means reviewers can get a sense of what
the interface is meant to be.  It helps remote helper implementers as
well: it tells them what they can rely on and what can't rely on in
this interface.  For the same reason it helpers remote helper callers
as well.


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