Christian Couder <> writes:

>> Aside from portability of 'uname -o' Eric raised, I wonder if the
>> platform information is still useful even when perf-subsection is
>> specified.  With the above code, we can identify that a single
>> result is for (say) MacOS only when we are not limiting to a single
>> subsection, but wouldn't it be equally a valid desire to be able to
>> track performance figures for a single subsection over time and
>> being able to say "On MacOS, subsection A's performance dropped
>> between release X and X+1 quite a bit, but on Linux x86-64, there
>> was no such change" or somesuch?
> Yeah, I agree that it would be useful. Unfortunately it looks like the
> number of fields in Codespeed is limited and I am not sure what will
> be more important for people in general.

Is there a reason why such textual labels meant for human
consumption need to be two (or more) separate fields?  Would simply
concatenating them into a single string defeat whatever you wanted
to achieve by having this information in $executable in the first

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