Christian Couder <> writes:

>  my $resultsdir = "test-results";
> +my $results_section = "";
>       $resultsdir .= "/" . $ENV{GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION};
> +     $results_section = $ENV{GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION};
>  }


> +     my $executable;
> +     if ($results_section eq "") {
> +             $executable = `uname -o -p`;
> +     } else {
> +             $executable = $results_section;
> +             chomp $executable;
> +     }

Aside from portability of 'uname -o' Eric raised, I wonder if the
platform information is still useful even when perf-subsection is
specified.  With the above code, we can identify that a single
result is for (say) MacOS only when we are not limiting to a single
subsection, but wouldn't it be equally a valid desire to be able to
track performance figures for a single subsection over time and
being able to say "On MacOS, subsection A's performance dropped
between release X and X+1 quite a bit, but on Linux x86-64, there
was no such change" or somesuch?

IOW, shouldn't the "executable" label always contain the platform
information, plus an optional subsection info when (and only when)
the result is limited to a subsection?

By the way, $results_section that is not an empty string at this
point must have come from $ENV{GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION}, and from the
way the environment variable is used in t/perf/run, e.g.

                        export GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION
                        echo "======== Run for subsection 
                        run_subsection "$@"

I do not think we expect it to have a trailing LF.  What's that
chomp doing there?

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