Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Hmmm.  I have a strong suspicion that people want an option to
> trigger the feature from just 1/2 but not 2/2 some of the time.
> Sure, removing the unwanted lines in the compose editor may be easy,
> but it feels wasteful use of user's time to include the lines of
> text from the original only to have them removed.

So, that could be

  git send-email --in-reply-to=message-id  # message-id is not a file
  => existing behavior

  git send-email --in-reply-to=file
  => populate To:, Cc:, In-Reply-To: and References:

  git send-email --in-reply-to=file --quote
  => in addition to the above, include the quoted message in the body

(perhaps --quote should be --cite, I'm not sure which one looks best for
a native speaker)

This also leaves room for

  git send-email --in-reply-to=message-id --fetch [--quote]
  => download the message body from e.g. public-inbox and do the same as
     for --in-reply-to=file

(which doesn't have to be implemented now, but would be a nice-to-have
in the future)

Matthieu Moy

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