From: Tom Russello <>

 Documentation/git-send-email.txt |  4 +-
 git-send-email.perl              | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 t/            | 19 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
index 710b5ff32..329af66af 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ Only necessary if --compose is also set.  If --compose
 is not set, this will be prompted for.
-       Fill appropriately header fields for the reply to the given email.
+       Fill appropriately header fields for the reply to the given email and 
+       the message body in the cover letter if `--compose` is set or otherwise
+       after the triple-dash in the first patch given.
        Specify the initial subject of the email thread.
diff --git a/git-send-email.perl b/git-send-email.perl
index 665c47d15..6f6995c9d 100755
--- a/git-send-email.perl
+++ b/git-send-email.perl
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use Text::ParseWords;
 use Term::ANSIColor;
 use File::Temp qw/ tempdir tempfile /;
 use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile);
+use File::Copy;
 use Error qw(:try);
 use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
 use Git;
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ git send-email --dump-aliases
     --[no-]bcc              <str>  * Email Bcc:
     --subject               <str>  * Email "Subject:"
     --in-reply-to           <str>  * Email "In-Reply-To:"
-    --quote-email           <file> * Populate header fields appropriately.
+    --quote-email           <file> * Populate header fields appropriately and
+                                     quote the message body.
     --[no-]xmailer                 * Add "X-Mailer:" header (default).
     --[no-]annotate                * Review each patch that will be sent in an 
     --compose                      * Open an editor for introduction.
@@ -654,12 +656,15 @@ if (@files) {
+my $message_quoted;
 if ($quote_email) {
        my $error = validate_patch($quote_email);
        die "fatal: $quote_email: $error\nwarning: no patches were sent\n"
                if $error;
        my @header = ();
+       my $date;
+       my $recipient;
        open my $fh, "<", $quote_email or die "can't open file $quote_email";
@@ -691,7 +696,8 @@ if ($quote_email) {
                        $initial_subject = $prefix_re . $subject_re;
                } elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) {
-                       push @initial_to, $1;
+                       $recipient = $1;
+                       push @initial_to, $recipient;
                } elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/i) {
                        foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
                                if (!($addr eq $initial_sender)) {
@@ -713,9 +719,28 @@ if ($quote_email) {
                        $initial_reply_to = $1;
                } elsif (/^References:\s+(.*)/i) {
                        $initial_references = $1;
+               } elsif (/^Date: (.*)/i) {
+                       $date = $1;
        $initial_references = $initial_references . $initial_reply_to;
+       my $tpl_date = $date && "On $date, " || '';
+       $message_quoted = $tpl_date . $recipient . " wrote:\n";
+       # Quote the message body
+       while (<$fh>) {
+               # Turn crlf line endings into lf-only
+               s/\r//g;
+               my $space = "";
+               if (/^[^>]/) {
+                       $space = " ";
+               }
+               $message_quoted .= ">" . $space . $_;
+       }
+       if (!$compose) {
+               $annotate = 1;
+       }
 sub get_patch_subject {
@@ -743,6 +768,9 @@ if ($compose) {
        my $tpl_sender = $sender || $repoauthor || $repocommitter || '';
        my $tpl_subject = $initial_subject || '';
        my $tpl_reply_to = $initial_reply_to || '';
+       my $tpl_quote = $message_quoted &&
+               "\nGIT: Please, trim down irrelevant sections in the quoted 
+               "GIT: to keep your email concise.\n" . $message_quoted || '';
        print $c <<EOT1, Git::prefix_lines("GIT: ", __ <<EOT2), <<EOT3;
 From $tpl_sender # This line is ignored.
@@ -756,7 +784,7 @@ EOT2
 From: $tpl_sender
 Subject: $tpl_subject
 In-Reply-To: $tpl_reply_to
        for my $f (@files) {
                print $c get_patch_subject($f);
@@ -821,9 +849,53 @@ EOT3
                $compose = -1;
 } elsif ($annotate) {
-       do_edit(@files);
+       if ($quote_email) {
+               my $quote_email_filename = ($repo ?
+                       tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX",
+                               DIR => $repo->repo_path()) :
+                       tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX",
+                               DIR => "."))[1];
+               # Insertion in a temporary file to keep the original file clean
+               # in case of cancellation/error.
+               do_insert_quoted_message($quote_email_filename, $files[0]);
+               my $tmp = $files[0];
+               $files[0] = $quote_email_filename;
+               do_edit(@files);
+               # Erase the original patch if the edition went well
+               move($quote_email_filename, $tmp);
+               $files[0] = $tmp;
+       } else {
+               do_edit(@files);
+       }
+sub do_insert_quoted_message {
+       my $tmp_file = shift;
+       my $original_file = shift;
+       open my $c, "<", $original_file
+       or die "Failed to open $original_file: " . $!;
+       open my $c2, ">", $tmp_file
+               or die "Failed to open $tmp_file: " . $!;
+       # Insertion after the triple-dash
+       while (<$c>) {
+               print $c2 $_;
+               last if (/^---$/);
+       }
+       print $c2 $message_quoted;
+       while (<$c>) {
+               print $c2 $_;
+       }
+       close $c;
+       close $c2;
 sub ask {
        my ($prompt, %arg) = @_;
        my $valid_re = $arg{valid_re};
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ce12a1164..7c29c829d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Fields with --quote-email 
are correct' '
                --quote-email=email \
                --from="Example <>" \
                --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
-               -1 \
+               -2 \
                2>errors &&
        grep "From: Example <>" msgtxt1 &&
        grep "In-Reply-To: <>" msgtxt1 &&
@@ -1961,6 +1961,17 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Fields with --quote-email 
are correct' '
        echo "$ref_adr" | grep -v "References: <>"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'correct quoted message with --quote-email' '
+       msg_quoted=$(grep -A 3 "^---$" msgtxt1) &&
+       echo "$msg_quoted" | grep "On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200, wrote:" &&
+       echo "$msg_quoted" | grep "> Have you seen my previous email?" &&
+       echo "$msg_quoted" | grep ">> Previous content"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'second patch body is not modified by 
--quote-email' '
+       ! grep "Have you seen my previous email?" msgtxt2
 test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Fields with --quote-email and --compose are 
correct' '
        clean_fake_sendmail &&
        git send-email \
@@ -2000,4 +2011,10 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Re: written only once with 
--quote-email and --comp
        grep "Subject: Re: subject goes here" msgtxt3
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'correct quoted message with --quote-email and 
--compose' '
+       grep "> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200, wrote:" 
msgtxt3 &&
+       grep ">> Have you seen my previous email?" msgtxt3 &&
+       grep ">>> Previous content" msgtxt3

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