On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 02:27:40PM -0700, Stefan Beller wrote:

> > So I dunno. It does solve the problem in a way that the individual test
> > scripts wouldn't have to care about. But it's a lot of eval trickery.
> I agree. Maybe just stick with the original patch?

OK. Why don't we live with that for now, then. The only advantage of the
"999" trickery is that it's less likely to come up again. If it doesn't,
then we're happy. If it does, then we can always switch then.

I also noticed that our GIT_TRACE=4 trickery has the same problem (it
didn't trigger in the t5615 case because it doesn't actually run git
inside the subshell). If we end up doing a "999" descriptor eventually,
we should probably point GIT_TRACE at it, too.


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