I'm currently stuck with adding a commit-less existing repository as a
submodule (which happens in t7400-submodule-basic.sh, ../bar/a/b/c
works with relative local path):

  $ mkdir -p super/sub
  $ cd super
  $ git init
  $ (cd sub && git init)
  $ git submodule add ./ sub
  $ git status
  # On branch master
  # Initial commit
  # Changes to be committed:
  #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
  #       new file:   .gitmodules

What I'm missing is a gitlink form sub for 'Subproject commit
00000...' or some such.  When the subproject has an actual commit,
things work as expected:

  $ mkdir -p super/sub
  $ cd super
  $ git init
  $ (cd sub && git init && echo line-1 > file && git add file && git commit -m 
  $ git submodule add ./ sub
  $ git status
  # On branch master
  # Initial commit
  # Changes to be committed:
  #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
  #       new file:   .gitmodules
  #       new file:   sub

This means that module_list isn't aware of the empty submodule, when
the user has just explicitly added it.  Fixing this would seem to need
either 'Subproject commit 00000...' as I suggested earlier, or an
adjustment to module_list that also spits out submodules that are in
.gitmodules but not in the index.


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