Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

> But there may be hope. Since the character sequence "PRItime" is highly
> unlikely to occur in Git's source code in any context other than the
> format to print/parse timestamp_t, it should be possible to automate a the
> string replacement
>       git ls-files -z \*.[ch] |
>       xargs -0r sed -i 's/PRItime/PRIuMAX/g'
> (assuming, of course, that you use GNU sed, not BSD sed, for which the
> `-i` needs to read `-i ''` instead) as part of the update?

I somehow missed this bit.

Given that this needs to be done only once every release by only one
person (i.e. the l10n coordinator who updates *.pot file), as long
as the procedure is automated as much as possible to ease the pain
for the l10n coordinator and clearly described in the "Maintaining
the po/git.pot file" section of po/README, something along that line
does sound like a very tempting approach.  If it works well, it is
certainly much easier for normal developers than the other possible
alternatives I mentioned in my previous response.

It is brittle as you already said, but perhaps a bit of anchoring
like \<PRItime\>, the brittle-ness may not hurt in practice.  

I didn't look at "git grep PRItime" output for hits, though.

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