On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 11:24:15AM +0200, Stefan Haller wrote:

> > Let's disable the form that relies on the stability of remote-tracking
> > branches by default, and allow users who _know_ their remote-tracking
> > branches are stable to enable it with a configuration variable.
> I'm wondering if people who claim they know they are safe really do.
> Elsewhere in the other thread somebody said "I only ever explicitly
> fetch, so I know I'm safe". Are you sure?
> Consider this example:

Thanks, these are all really good examples.

I think another one is just:

  $ git fetch
  [time passes]
  $ git checkout branch
  $ git rebase -i
  [oops, I forgot to merge in the latest changes before rewriting]
  $ git push --force-with-lease

That doesn't even require a fetch/pull after you start working. It's
simply a mismatch between reality and what the default assumes (that
whatever you were working on incorporated the latest work from


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